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- death of the iceman
冰人之死  detail>>
iceman’s death
冰人之死  detail>>
〔美国〕制冰的人;卖冰的人;冰上旅行家;善于在冰上行走的人。  detail>>
a the iceman cometh
送冰的人来了  detail>>
iceman cometh the
冰人来了  detail>>
minnesota iceman
明尼苏达雪怪  detail>>
the iceman cometh
冰人未了 急冻奇侠 卖冰的人来了 卖冰人来了 送冰的人来了  detail>>
tzi the iceman
冰人茨  detail>>
the iceman of market street
街市冰人  detail>>
be death on
擅长..., 是...的能手 酷爱... 非常讨厌 极恨, 极反对  detail>>
be in at the death
(打猎时)亲眼见到猎物被咬死 亲见猎物被弄死, 于事情结束时 亲眼看到事情的结局或高潮  detail>>
be the death of
把人笑死(常指笑话) 害死某人, 伤透某人的心 [口]成为...致死的原因, 逼得...苦死  detail>>
 n.  1.死,死亡。 2.死状,死法;惨死;死因。 3.褫夺公权。 4.死刑。 5.绝灭,消灭。 6.谋杀;惨案。&...  detail>>
death of
缺乏……  detail>>
on death
论死亡  detail>>
to death
极度  detail>>
to the death
到底 到死 到最后 受死吧  detail>>
death duty, death tax
遗产税  detail>>